
Longshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Welcome toLongshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Welcome to Sycamore Class!

Welcome to Sycamore's class page! I'm Mrs Plummer the class teacher in Sycamore Class.





What are we learning?



Summer 1


English & Grammar

The children will begin this term exploring chapter stories with a focus on the book 'Gangsta Granny' by David Walliams. The children will complete a newspaper report linked to the story and they will write a new, extended chapter to the story. The children will apply all their taught grammatical skills to write complex, suspense sentences that will engage the reader. During the summer term, the children will also explore riddle poetry based on the theme of weather.



The children will consolidate their place value knowledge to support their mental maths and apply this further when working on problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They will continue to develop their knowledge of sharing equally by exploring fractions. Children will learn how to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes and begin to estimate by using different mathematical representations.



The children will build on their prior knowledge and explore different types of materials and their uses. They will identify, group and sort materials and use key vocabulary to describe how a material can move. The children will also begin exploring the meaning of the word 'waterproof' and will conduct an investigation into the most effective material for an umbrella.



In Geography, the children will explore the weather. They will name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the UK. The children will identify and investigate through observation and description, seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK, and they will ask geographical questions about the world and their environment.



The children will explore textiles and design and create a product of their own that will engage younger children in the retelling of a story. The children will discuss the effectiveness of existing products before designing their own bag to be used by 'Gangsta Granny'. Using a template and stitching, the children will join fabrics to create their design. 



The children will use Purple Mash to complete the units 'creating pictures' and 'making music'. They will explore genres  of art, the work of different artists and create their own work in the style of a chosen artist. The children will also think about how music can express feelings and they will create their own music using a bank of sounds.



In PE, the children will build on prior learning and apply focus on throwing a ball both overarm and underarm in a variety of activities and games. They will also continue to work on running skills.



The children will follow Questful RE and continue their learning about Jesus and Christianity. They will begin to explore why the church is important for Christians and develop their understanding of what happens inside a church and why. Children will be given opportunities to research places of worship across world faiths.



The children will explore their role within the wider world and focus on 'Being my Best'. They will explore topics around basic first aid, being clean and healthy, physical activity, personal achievements and hygiene.


Homework will set on Fridays and is due to be completed in homework books for the following Thursday each week.


Sycamore Class have Swimming lessons in Tuesdays and PE on Wednesdays. Please ensure your child has a kit in school. 


Children are expected to read at home each night and reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please note that the children's reading records must be signed at least twice before their book is changed. 

Thank you for your support :) 

Key curriculum information for parents.
