Welcome to Sycamore Class!
Growth and Green Fingers!
In English the children will continue to focus on grammatical features that will enhance their writing and apply these within English lessons. They will consolidate their knowledge of nouns, verbs and adverbs throughout the term. Using our focus text of 'Gangsta Granny', the children will be immersed into the story by focusing on elements of key chapters. They will then use these elements to create newspaper articles, persuasive adverts and eyewitness reports.
The children will consolidate their place value knowledge to support their mental Maths and apply this further when working on problems involving multiplication and division. The children will also explore length, height, mass, capacity and temperature and use this knowledge within real life situations.
The children will focus on the question 'What do plants need to grow?' They will begin by revisiting their Year 1 learning about plants and their parts before finding out and describing how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. To further enhance this learning the children will work scientifically to investigate and observe how light and dark affects the health and growth of a plant.
The children will learn about the differences between the weather and the climate. They will build on their prior knowledge of hot and cold places and begin looking at climate zones. The children will learn about weather forecasts, the symbols used to display weather conditions and weather instruments that can be used. They will then collect, record and analyse weather data within the school grounds and evaluate their findings.
Using Sing Up, the children exploring timing of music and use simple body percussion patterns to create different sounds and tempos. Finally the children will be invited to move more freely and creatively to two pieces from Shostakovich's Jazz Suites.
To link with their English learning, the children will create a functional bag for Gangsta Granny to carry her jewels. They will design their product and develop their ideas further through class discussions and mock ups. The children will learn how to create a running stitch and use this method to join their materials together. They will then evaluate their products to identify their strengths and areas for improvement.
The children will continue to discuss and explore e-safety during lesson starters and assessments. The children will explore the 'Presenting Ideas' unit on Purple Mash where they will explore how information can represented in different ways. Using a familiar topic the children will create a class quiz and fact file and develop their learning further by presenting the information to an audience.
In PE the children will focus on Dance. Building on prior learning, the children will learn how to use their body to make shapes and convey emotion, how to travel safely and creatively in a space, communicate effectively with a partner and remember a sequence of steps when performing.
Using Questful RE, the children will continue their learning about Jesus and will focus on the Easter story. They will explore the question 'Why is Easter the most important festival in the Christian calendar?' The children will learn that symbols are pictures or objects with a deeper meaning or a story to tell, and will develop a greater understanding of the importance of Easter and the concept of salvation.
The children will explore their role within the wider world. They will learn about trust, their individual rights and emotions within friendship groups. The children will discuss how to get along with others, how to recognise emotions they may be feeling and behave appropriately, where and when they feel safe and who they can go to for help.
Homework will continue to be given on Friday afternoon. This will cover topics and questions we have been doing in class that week to further consolidate the children's knowledge.
Homework books are to be returned no later than the following Thursday.
Sycamore Class have PE on Tuesday morning .
Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school.
We also have swimming on Tuesday afternoon.
Please can children bring their swimming kits in weekly - swimming caps are also needed for those children with long hair.
Please note, earrings must be removed before PE and swimming.
Children are expected to read at home each night and reading books will be changed on Tuesday and Friday.
Please note that the children's reading records must be signed three times before their book is changed.
Children will also have a library book that they can read for pleasure.
We will endeavour to change these every week during our guided reading time.
**Thank you for your ongoing support**
Thank you for your support :)