
Longshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Welcome toLongshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Welcome to Oak Class 


Hello, I am Mrs Thomas and I am the class teacher in Oak Class.


We are very lucky as we also have Miss Ahmed working with us this year.


Autumn 1 Topic


Amazing Animals

We will be asking the question:

'Can all animals be pets?'


The children will begin the term focusing their learning around the story ‘Dangerous' by Tim Warnes



We will be covering many subjects through this topic:


Science - The children will describe and compare the structure of avariety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets). They will then explore the similarities and differences between animals and sort them based on their features. The children will also begin their longitudinal study and observe the changes which occur in Autumn.



PSHE The childrenwill explore feelings and recognise how others might be feeling by reading their body language and facial expressions. They will learn how to explain their emotions and the vocabulary associated with this. They will then explore simple qualities of friendship and how to recognise when they or someone else feels lonely.


ART Over the Autumn term, the children will explore drawing in pastel using a variety of techniques. The children will then explore artist’s sculpture art before developing their pastel drawing into 3D using clay.


Geography - The children will learn to use simple fieldwork and observational skills to answer geographical questions about their local park. They will also learn about human and physical features and use basic geographical vocabulary to describe them. The children will develop their geographical skills collecting and analysing data.


Maths - The children will learn about Number and Place Value. They will recognise the value of numbers up to 10 and represent them using objects and pictorial representations. Children will then begin to add and subtract one digit and two digit numbers to 10 including 0 (as a place holder).


English - Whilst exploring a variety of animal linked media, the children will identify the difference between a letter, word and a sentence. They will write keywords, captions and orally form simple sentences. They will then look at the structure of a sentence before going onto write accurate sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. They will use phonics to sound out new words.



Oak Class have P.E. on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit in school fully labelled with their name. Kits will be kept in school until the end of term. 



Children will be given new reading books on Tuesdays and Fridays once a book has been read twice.  Please ensure you read with your child every night and leave a comment in their reading records to enable us to see how they have got on :). 



Homework will be sent out each Friday, to be returned by the following Thursday. If you require any support with this, please let me know.


Please do not hesitate to contact me with any worries/queries you may have.


Thank you for your support. 


Mrs Thomas
