We are very lucky as we also have Miss Ahmed and Mrs Talbot working with us this year.
Spring 2 Topic
Toy Time
We will be asking the question:
"What did our parents' and grandparents' play with when they were our age?"
The children will begin the term focusing their learning around the story ‘Little Red' by Bethan Woollvin
We will be covering many subjects through this topic:
Science - The children will identify and describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials. They will question whether a material floats or sinks and they will investigate and identify which materials absorb water.
PSHE - The children will learn how a person's behavior, including their own, can affect other people and they will understand the importance of looking after things that belong to themselves or to others. The children will also responsibly care for a class plant.
ART - The children will explore how to use a pencil to create lines, shapes and values. They will learn about the work of Christa Rijneveld and how she uses lines to create art. The children will then create the own Christa Rijneveld inspired drawing.
History - The children will explore photographs to discuss the difference between past and present in their own and other people’s lives by using and making simple comparisons. They will order the events in their lives (in a chronological order) and they will explore how toys have changed over time.
Maths - The children will explore the place value of numbers up to 50 and use this to partition numbers into tens and ones. They will also find 1 more and 1 less of given numbers to 50. The children will explore weight, height, length and volume and the unit measures linked to these.
English - The children will share their family’s favourite stories and they will use simple adjectives to describe the characters and settings within each story. The children will write accurate, interesting sentences and they will continue to extend their sentences using conjunctions. They will also focus on a number of quality texts linked to their topic including ‘Little Red’ by Bethan Woolvin.
Oak Class have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit in school fully labelled with their name. Kits will be kept in school until the end of term.
Children will be given new reading books on Tuesdays and Fridays once a book has been read twice. Please ensure you read with your child every night and leave a comment in their reading records to enable us to see how they have got on :).
Homework will be sent out each Friday, to be returned by the following Thursday. If you require any support with this, please let me know.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any worries/queries you may have.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Thomas