
Longshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Welcome toLongshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Welcome to Beech Class

Hello, I am Miss Orme and I am the class teacher in Beech Class.

We are very lucky as we also have Mrs Ormerod and Miss Pryce supporting us this year.


Summer 2 Topic





We will be covering many subjects through this topic:


ScienceThe children will identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and describe the function of each part. They will perform simple tests to identify which part of the body is associated with sight, touch, sound, taste and smell.  


PSHE - The children will identify things they could do as a baby, a toddler and can do now. They will explain the difference between teasing and bullying and the children will know the difference between boys and girls.


History - The children will complete a case study on the famous inventor ‘George Devol’ who invented the first robot. They will explore the changes in technology and processes and look at inventions that were created from George Devol’s work.


Art - The children will use painting to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination. They will explore colour mixing and paint layering before designing and painting their own imaginary robot. They will then share, discuss and evaluate their final art piece.


Maths - The children will recognise the place value of numbers up to 100 through objects and pictorial representations. They will apply this to the four main operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will also recognise coins and understand the value of each one.


English - The children will begin the term exploring the story ‘Traction Man is here’ by Mini Grey. They will describe the characters and settings within the story and they will begin to use a variety of sentence types. They will then compare stories from the same author and write an innovated story in the author’s style.



Other Information



 Beech Class have P.E. on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit in school fully labelled with their name. Kits will be kept in school until the end of term. 



Children will be given new reading books on Tuesdays and Thursdays once a book has been read twice.  Please ensure you read with your child every night and leave a comment in their reading records to enable us to see how they have got on :). 



Homework will be sent out each Thursday, to be returned by the following Thursday. If you require any support with this, please let me know.


Please do not hesitate to contact me with any worries/queries you may have.


Thank you for your support. 

Miss Orme
