This half term, the focus text for Year 2 is ‘The Way Home for Wolf’, by Rachael Bright. The children will focus on basic sentence structure and the inclusion of adjectives within their writing. They will produce both fiction and non-fiction pieces of work. |
In Phonics, the children will consolidate their prior learning of Phase 3 - 5 sounds. They will also begin to explore Phase 5 alternative sounds and the spellings rules which apply to these.
The children will build upon their previous learning of place value and consolidate their knowledge of numbers to 20. They will use their understanding of tens and ones to partition and compare numbers and the children will also use resources, pictures and mental arithmetic to solve a wide range of problems.
The children will learn about animals and what they need to survive. They will investigate a wide range of animals and their needs and compare similarities and differences with humans. |
The children will look at their local area and the key landmarks around us. They will use atlases and globes to discover continents and oceans, understand how the equator and poles affect climate and compare the local area with Tromso, Norway.
Using Charanga, the children will focus on one song: Hands, Feet and Heart and through this they will recognise the pulse, rhythm and pitch of the music. They will also play instruments, improvise and compose with this song.
In Art children will explore shading using different media, and how pencil pressure can create an effect of light and dark. They will draw the local landmark, Darwen Tower and use print techniques to highlight the features.
The children will use the Hamilton Trust e-safety topic to learn how to stay safe online, who to ask for help and what information they should keep private when online. They will build an e-safety rainbow throughout the five lessons, earning their colours as they learn.
In PE the children will work on the fundamental skills of balancing, running and jumping. These skills will be applied during small game activities during lessons.
The children will follow the Questful R.E curriculum and continue their learning about Jesus and Christianity. They will begin to explore the Bible, learn why it is a significant book for Christians and make links between texts from different religions around the world. |
The children will explore their role within the wider world and focus themselves and their relationships with others. They will discuss what their ideal classroom would be, explore a range of different emotions and recognise how to be a good friend.
Homework will continue to be given on Friday afternoon. This will cover topics and questions we have been doing in class that week to further consolidate the children's knowledge.
Homework books are to be returned no later than the following Thursday.
Maple Class have PE on Wednesday afternoons.
Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school.
Maple also have swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Please can you child bring their swimming kit, towel and swimming hat (for girls) into school each Tuesday.
Please note, earrings must be removed before PE and swimming.
Children are expected to read at home each night and reading books will be changed on Tuesday and Friday.
Please note that the children's reading records must be signed three times before their book is changed.
Children will also have a library book that they can read for pleasure which will be kept in school.
We will endeavour to change these every week during our guided reading time.
**Thank you for your ongoing support**