
Longshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Welcome toLongshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding

Ofsted & Performance Data

Ofsted Inspection (28th and 29th September 2021)

We continue to be a ‘Good’ school


Dear Parents/Carers,


I am delighted to inform you that I received the Ofsted report yesterday and we received a ‘Good’ in all categories. I am sure that you will join us all in being delighted in the outcome, too.


The report is a reflection of the hard work of everyone involved: governors, parents, staff, the community and of course, the pupils.  I am extremely proud to call myself the Headteacher of Longshaw Community Infant School.


When I arrived on secondment (as Acting Headteacher) in the Spring term of 2021, I knew instantly that I wanted to lead Longshaw because I could see all the amazing things that it already was achieving and could (and can) see even more things that we can achieve collectively. The inspectors noted; ‘ Leaders are determined that each and every pupil will achieve their best’.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank governors, staff, pupils and families who each and every day put the children at the heart of every decision that is made. As a school community, we strive to help all children recognise their talents, build on their strengths and demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges. The inspectors noted; ‘Pupils arrive at school each day full of smiles and excited about the day ahead. They love spending time with their friends and teachers. Pupils feel safe and secure at school. They know that the teachers will sort out any of their worries. Pupils find learning fun’.


We also strive to shape pupils who are proud of themselves and the community in which they live. Our pupils are passionate, empathetic, caring and thoughtful. I believe that the Longshaw School community has a great deal to be proud of. Longshaw Community Infant School is a very special place, indeed. I thank you for your continued support and I know that we will continue to work together to support each and every child in going from strength to strength, in a holistic sense.


Please can I ask that you take time to read the attached report and share it with your children. I visited every class this afternoon and shared the report with the children and staff, too.


Kind regards,


Mrs Joanne Leak



Due to changes in school assessment systems a Key Stage 1 Comparison report is no longer  
