
Longshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Welcome toLongshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


C H E S T N U T  C L A S S 


Hello and welcome to Chestnut Class!


Miss Mawdsley is the class teacher in Chestnut Class Monday - Thursday and Mrs Furlong is the class teacher on a Friday. 

Mrs Slater and Mrs Talbot also work in Chestnut Class



Below is an outline of what we will be learning this half term.


 What are we learning?


Summer 2



English & Grammar

This half term, the focus text for Year 2 is ‘The Storm Whale’, by Benji Davies.  The children will use varied sentences to generate interest within a written piece of work. They will continue to progress their grammar skills and use their knowledge to write an accurate, extended story.

 The children will also write up a well-structured discussion, using the word ‘however’ to show contrasting ideas and thoughts.




The children will consolidate their place value knowledge to support their mental Maths and apply this further when working on problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children will begin a statistics topic, interpreting simple pictograms, tally charts, block graphs and tables. They will continue to explore measure, by using the appropriate standard units to estimate, measure and record results. They will also compare numbers using the greater and less than symbols.





The children will begin their topic on ‘Growing Up’ by studying the human lifecycle, followed by the lifecycle of different mammals.

The children will then investigate and compare the lifecycles of different animals and discuss any patterns which are discovered.



In History,  the children will focus on events beyond living memory and places in their locality. They will explore and discover facts about the seaside then and now, culminating in an educational visit to the seaside.




In Art children will begin a creative topic around ‘collage’, exploring different artists who use this technique.

They will consolidate their knowledge from the Science topic of materials to investigate and select suitable materials to make their own beach-inspired collage.





 The children will use Purple Mash to explore ‘Presenting Ideas’ and will explore different topics to present. Using a traditional tale and a non-fiction fact file, the children will explore how digital content can be presented in different ways. They will present their information in the form of a fact file and mind map.



In PE the children will build on prior learning of throwing, catching and running. They will participate in team games and dribble and kick a ball.




The children will follow the Questful R.E curriculum and continue their learning about Jesus and Christianity. They will begin to explore the events of the Ascension and Pentecost, understand the concept of God as three in one and emphasize the importance of these events in the life of Jesus, the Church and now.

The children will listen to stories, explore art work and participate in group discussions to broaden their knowledge of these events.



The children will explore their role within the wider world and focus on growing up and changing. The children will discuss how to respect each other’s personal space and privacy, growing older to link with the Science topic, and how they can be helpful to those around them.


Things to Remember...


· We will have a swimming session every Tuesday afternoon during the summer term. Please ensure your child brings their swimming kit into school every Tuesday.

· Children need a coat with them every single day. If the weather is nice, children are fine to leave their coats in school during playtimes.

· We will have PE on a Wednesday afternoon and all children will need a full PE kit in school to use. Children will need shorts, t-shirt and pumps and all items of clothing will need to be labelled.

· Homework and/or Handwriting books will be given out on a Friday with a task for children to complete at home. Homework Books will need to be returned to school and completed by the following Thursday.

· The expectation is that Reading book bags need to come into school every day and reading at home needs to take place daily. Please sign inside the Reading Record once you have read with your child. They will be rewarded with Dojo Points in class for any Reading they do at home.


Please Note: Earrings are NOT allowed at any point, in line with the uniform policy. This includes plastic earrings.


Thank you for your support!
