Kings, Queens and Castles!
In English the children will be focusing on basic sentence structure, grammatical features and the inclusion of adjectives within their writing. Using the key text of 'Rapunzel', the children will begin the term by exploring the key features of the book and write their own, innovated version of the story.
The children will consolidate their place value knowledge to support their mental Maths and apply this further when working on problems involving addition and subtraction. They will then apply this learning within the context of money.
The children will also explore 2D and 3D shapes, symmetry and patterns.
In Science, the children will build on their prior knowledge and explore different types of materials and their uses. They will identify, group and sort materials and use key vocabulary to describe how a material can move. The children will also be exploring the meaning of the word 'waterproof' and will conduct an investigation into the most effective material for an umbrella.
In History, the children will explore significant Kings and Queens of the past. They will explore the places that they have lived and also why monarchs built castles.
They will compare and contrast past rulers to those of the present day and explore the life of the first Queen Elizabeth.
Using Sing Up, the children will use birds as their musical inspiration - their movement, their song and their flight. They will begin by watching and listening to birds to help them create their own composition.
In Art, the children will explore how castles have inspired Staffordshire pottery and sculptures. They will explore different sculpting techniques and how colour can enhance a sculpture. The children will then create and evaluate their own clay castle sculpture.
The children will continue to discuss and explore e-safety during lesson starters and assessments. The children will explore questioning on Purple Mash and understand the importance of how to phrase questions, suitable search engines for this and which data-resources are limited in the answers they provide.
In PE the children will learn net and wall game skills. Building on prior learning, the children will develop their coordination, balance and passing accuracy when using equipment. They will then consolidate their learning by using the skills learned within a game setting.
The children will follow the Questful R.E curriculum and continue their learning about Jesus and Christianity. They will begin to explore the question 'Why did Jesus welcome everyone?' The children will develop an awareness that Jesus was an extraordinary person who welcomed everyone as a friend and understand that Jesus had the power to heal people.
The children will explore their role within the wider world. They will learn about trust, their individual rights and emotions within friendship groups. The children will discuss how they feel, how they can help others and who their trusted adults are.
Things to Remember...
Homework will continue to be given on Friday afternoon. This will cover topics and questions we have been doing in class that week to further consolidate the children's knowledge.
Homework books are to be returned no later than the following Thursday.
Chestnut Class have PE on Tuesday and Thursday.
Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school.
There is no swimming this term.
Please note, earrings must be removed before PE and swimming.
Children are expected to read at home each night and reading books will be changed on Tuesday and Friday.
Please note that the children's reading records must be signed three times before their book is changed.
Children will also have a library book that they can read for pleasure which will be kept in school.
We will endeavour to change these every week during our guided reading time.
**Thank you for your ongoing support**