It is well known that high Early Education can influence how well a child does from Nursery through a child's Primary and Secondary School years and the Early Years Pupil Premium grant will help give our children additional rich learning experiences and opportunities.
The Early Years Pupil Premium provides an extra 53 pence per hour for three and four year old children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits or who were formally in local authority care but who have left care because they were adopted or were subject to a special guardianship or child arrangement order. This means an extra £302 a year for each child taking up the full 570 hours funded entitlement to early education. This additional money could make a significant difference to us.
We can use the extra funding in any way we choose to improve the quality of the early years education that we provide for your child. It is well documented that high quality early education can influence how well a child does at both primary and secondary school so we do want to make the most of this additional funding. You may be aware if you have older children that a pupil premium has been available in school age children and it has proved to have given a real boost to the children receiving the funding. We want to do the same for our early years children entitled to this funding.
If you are asked for information for Pupil Premium, please do not worry. The information will be used to apply for this extra funding for your child.