
Longshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Welcome toLongshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School Learning • Caring • Inspiring • Succeeding


Longshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery School

Federated Governing Body - 1st May 2021


Mr David RintoulChair of Governors


Safeguarding Governor

Looked After Children

E-Safety Governor


Mrs Janet Cooper


Vice Chair of Governors


Community Links Governor


Mrs Pauline Lovick


Co-Opted Governor



Mathematics Governor

Pupil Premium Governor


Mrs Fiona Woodford


Co-Opted Governor



SEN Governor



Mrs Corinne McMillan


Co-Opted Governor




Mrs Vicky Foy


Staff Governor



Mr Jonathan PhippsCo-Opted Governor 
Mrs Lisa RileyCo-Opted Governor 


Mr David Rintoul – Chair of Governors

  • I work as a Quality & Performance Manager locally for the NHS.
  • I have lived in the local area for over twenty years with my family. 
  • My daughter attended the school throughout her infant years, moving up from the neighbouring nursery school. 
  • I am married with one child. 
  • I am a qualified lecturer and worked in the further education sector for thirteen years in a range of teaching and management roles.
  • I volunteer as a school governor as a way of contributing to the community of which I am part.
  • I am also a governor at Longshaw Community Junior School and St Wilfrid’s Church of England Academy and always disclose these interests in any discussion that could be interpreted as affecting either of these entities. I do not believe there to be any conflict of interest between my employment and role as a governor at the school.  


Other information

Chair of Governors

Appointed as a Co-opted Governor

Serves on Finance, Curriculum, Premises Committees

Governor Responsibility for Safeguarding and Looked After Children

Term of Office 01/05/2021 - 30/04/2025

Business Interests - None


Mrs Janet Cooper

  • I am a qualified teacher with over twenty five years' experience of working in Lancashire as a teacher, senior leader and Headteacher. During my time as Headteacher I worked in two very diverse schools, and had a particular interest in Special Education Needs provision and improving teaching and learning. 
  • I currently working for Blackburn with Darwen as a School Effectiveness Officer supporting schools on their improvement journeys. 
  • Being born and bred in Blackburn and attending Longshaw Infants myself, I have a particular interest in supporting those involved with teaching and learning within the area and supporting the community of Longshaw.


Other information

Vice Chair of Governors

Appointed as a Co-Opted Governor

Serves on Finance and Curriculum Committees

Governor Responsibility for Community Links

Term of Office 01/05/2021 - 30/04/2025

Business Interests - School Effectiveness Officer for Local Authority


 Mrs Pauline Lovick

  • I have been a Governor at Longshaw Community Infant School since 1992.
  • I have three adult children who all attended Longshaw Community Infant School.
  • I currently work for 7 Primary Schools managing their budgets.
  • Prior to working in schools I was employed by Blackburn Education Office for 15 years.
  • I am also on the Governing Body of Longshaw Community Junior School. 


Other information

Appointed as a Co-Opted Governor

Serves on Finance, Curriculum, Premises Committees

Governor Responsibility for Mathematics and Pupil Premium Spending

Term of Office 01/05/2021 - 30/04/2025

Business Interests – I manage the Finances of the school on a weekly basis



Mrs Fiona Woodford

  • I work as a special needs class teacher at BCHS with Crosshill. 
  • I have a daughter at Longshaw Community Infant School, who is progressing extremely well through the excellent teaching she has received. 
  • I am married and I also have a son.
  • I enjoy running and I am a member of Blackburn Road Runners, I also enjoy reading


Other information

Appointed as a Co-opted Governor

Serves on Curriculum and Premises Committees

Governor Responsibility for SEN

Term of Office 01/05/201 - 30/04/2025

Business Interests - None


Mrs Corinne McMillan

  • An experienced HR professional with twenty years’ experience who has worked for the private and public sector.

  • I started my career within the Security Industry and in 2008 began working with the Council and Schools. Corinne is currently the Head of HR Services at the LA and responsible for the operational delivery of the HR team and oversees all of the teams that provide support and guidance to the Council and Schools.

  • I wanted to get involved with Longshaw Nursery as I could see the potential of how it can be great place for children in the Community and felt passionate that with some support it can be a success.


Other information

Appointed as a Co-Opted Governor

Serves on Finance Committee

Term of Office 01/05/201 - 30/04/2025

Business Interests - HR Manager for Local Authority



Mrs Vicky Foy

  • I am the Deputy Headteacher of Longshaw Community Infant School and Longshaw Nursery. I have worked at the Longshaw schools for 6 years and have enjoyed every minute.

  • I am passionate about making a difference in the lives of our amazing children and families, it is important that our children develop a clear love of learning and are offered opportunities to thrive. 

Other information

Appointed as a Staff Governor

Serves on Curriculum and Premises Committees

Term of Office 20/05/2023 -21/5/2025

Business Interests - None



Mrs Lisa Riley

  • I have recently taken the role of Parent Governor at Longshaw Infants. I am passionate about the school and I am looking forward to starting my role in September 2023. 
  • I am married with 3 children. 
  • I have lived in the local community for over 40 years. Myself and all my children attended Longshaw Infants. 
  • I have previously volunteered at the East Lancashire Hospice, supporting the fundraising and accounts team with donations. 

Other information

Appointed as a Parent Governor

Serves on 

Governor Responsibility for 

Term of Office 10/07/2023 - 09/07/2027

Business Interests - None



Mr Jonathan Phipps

  • I have been a teacher at Longshaw Junior School for nearly ten years and I am a member of the Senior Leadership Team. 
  • As a teacher at the Juniors, I have an interest in supporting children and families within the Infant School. 
  • I am originally from the North East of England but have lived in the North West for around 20 years. 
  • I am married and have two boys at primary school. 
  • I enjoy playing and watching football. I am also a keen runner and take part in events from 10km up to marathon.

Other information

Appointed as a Local Authority Governor

Serves on Curriculum Committee

Governor Responsibility for 

Term of Office 14/11/2023 - 13/11/2027

Business Interests - None




Record of Attendance 2021 - 2022

Governor NameAutumn 2021Spring 2022Summer 2022
Joanne Leakx-xxxxxxxxxx
David RintoulAA-xxAAxxxxxxx
Janet Cooperx---xx--xx--
Pauline Lovickx-xxxxxxxxxx
Fiona WoodfordAA--xAAx-xAAx-AA
Peter Marksx-xxx-xxAA-xx
Corinne McMillanx-x-AA-x-AA-AA-
Julie Daleyx-x-xAANA-NAx--
Lisa Brownx---AAx--xx--
Vicky Foyx-xxxxxxxxxx


Record of Attendance 2022 - 2023

Governor NameAutumn 2022Spring 2023Summer 2023
 FGBSchool on the AgendaFinancePremisesFGBCurriculumFinancePremisesFGBCurriculumFinancePremises
Joanne Leakxxxxxxxxxxx 
David RintoulAA AAAAxxAAAAAAxx 
Janet Cooperxx--xx--xx- 
Pauline Lovickxxxxxxxxxxx 
Fiona Woodfordx -xxx-AAxAAAA 
Peter Marksx xxx xxNA x 
Corinne McMillanxxx-x x-x x 
Lisa Brownx --AAAA--AAx- 
Vicky Foyxxxxxxxxxxx 


Record of Attendance 2023 - 2024



Autumn 2023Spring 2024Summer 2024
 FGBSchool on the AgendaFinancePremisesFGBCurriculumFinancePremisesFGBCurriculumFinancePremises
Joanne Leakxxxxxxxx    
David RintoulAAxAAAAxxxx    
Janet Cooperxx--xx--    
Pauline Lovickxxxxxxxx    
Fiona WoodfordNAAA-NAAAAA-AA    
Peter MarksxNAxxAA-xx    
Corinne McMillanxxNA-AANAx-    
Jonathan Phippsx---AAAA--    
Lisa BrownNAx--AAAA--    
Lisa RileyNAx--xx--    
Vicky Foyxxxxxxxx    





 x     =   attended meeting

AA   =   apologies accepted

NA = No apologies received
